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Operating instructions and pdf manual for use - CHAUVET Obey 70 Universal DMX-512 Controller OBEY 70 User manual, User manual CHAUVET Obey 70 Universal CHAUVET DJ Obey 70 Universal DMX-512 Controller | LED Light I was able to assign the joystick easy enough, the manual is somewhat vague and Chauvet, 3000 N 29th Ct, Hollywood, FL 33020 U.S.A. Obey™ 70. DMX Controller. USER MANUAL. Snapshot. Ok on Dimmer. Outdoor OK. View online (24 pages) or download PDF (1 MB) Chauvet Obey 70 User manual • Obey 70 audio amplifiers PDF manual download and more Chauvet online manuals. User manual, CHAUVET DJ Obey 70 Universal DMX-512, CHAUVET, DJ, Obey, 70, Universal, DMX-512, Controller. 0% Financing and ? FREE Shipping for your Chauvet DJ Obey 70 384-Ch DMX Lighting Read manual first, before using this DMX controller, then plug yourThe Chauvet Obey 70 (OB-70) rack mount controller is a fairly versatile unit capable of controlling 384 DMX channels allocated into 12 fixtures of 32
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